Idiot’s Guide to Making Incredible Beer at Home

Homebrew Beer Guides
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Home Brewing/Fermentation Kits (via amazon):

I’ve brewed beer three times in the last few months and every single brew has been the best-tasting beer I’ve ever had. between the freshness and love, home-brew seems to exist in a entirely different category when comparing it to the beer your probably use to drinking. Pick out a day on the weekend where you can dedicate a few hours to brewing and give it a shot. I’m telling you, if you follow the directions in this video or whatever recipe your have, you will have incredible tasting beer for yourself and all the glorious people in your life that you can gift bottles too. Enjoy!

For a chance to win your very own starter home brew set follow these two steps below. (Brew Kit)

1. Sign up for the mailing list
2. Share this video to one of your own social media platforms

Derek Delinger @dellingerderek
The Fermented Man –
Kent Falls Brewery –

Bitter and Esters – @bitterandesters

Fermenter Cooler –

Brothers Green Kit

Interested in any of the products we use to create this show. You can find everything from specific ingredients, filming gear, wish list equipment and even our favorite books all conveniently organized for you in our kit. If any of these products float your boat, by using the amazon link providing you will be supporting our channel!

Original Music by
Lacey Inspired



more info on hydrometer readings

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