Homebrew Wednesday 185: Brewing an Oktoberfest!

Homebrew Beer Recipes
Partial credit to Gary for the recipe:
Maine Brew Guy

My recipe was a mix of one from Gary aka MaineBrewGuy and a recipe I found on the AHA website.

Oktoberfest ver.1.0
Pilsner German (2-row) 5.5 lbs
Munich Malt 4.0 lbs
Vienna Malt 2.0 lbs
Caramel Munich 60L 6 oz
Biscuit Malt 3 oz
Aromatic 3 oz
Tettnang 0.75 oz 60 minutes
Yeast Nutrient 20 minutes
Hallertau .65 oz 10 minutes

White Labs WLP820 Oktoberfest/Marzen Lager
Use a two-step mash with a protein rest at 122°F (50°C) for 15 minutes, followed by a main rest at 152°F (67°C) for 75 minutes.
Pitch yeast at 62°F (17°C), hold at that temperature for 24 hours, then drop to 50°F (10°C) and hold for 20 days. When fermentation is complete, raise temperature to 65°F (18°C) for a two-day diacetyl rest, then drop to lagering temperatures for one month or more.

Pitch yeast at 62°F (17°C), hold at that temperature for 24 hours, then drop to 50°F (10°C) and hold for the first 48 hours. For every day thereafter, increase the temperature by 1°F (about 0.5°C) for ten days. After it’s been in the fermentor for 12 days, it should be at a steady 60°F (15.5°C). Hold at 60°F 8 more days, then raise to 65°F for a diacytal rest for 2-days. Then cold crash for 1 month or more for lagering.

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