Coopers “Irish Red Ale” Homebrew Beer – Taste Test and Recipe

Homebrew Beer Recipes
“Coopers Irish Red Ale”

ABV approx 4.5-5%


1.7kg Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit (could substitute Real Ale kit)
500gms Dry Malt Extract
100gms Maltodextrin
100gms Crystal Malt
50gms Roasted Barley
Kit yeast or ale yeast of your choice

Cracked the Crystal Malt and Barley in a ziplock plastic bag with a rolling pin. Then added to 2 litres of boiling water removed from the heat and steeped for 30 mins with the lid on. Strained the contents through a sieve with muslin cloth (to collect grain husks etc) into the fermenter and added the other ingredients (DME + Can) and mixed with cold water up to 23 Litres. Fermented for 2 weeks at approx 18-20C and then bottled for a further 4 weeks before drinking. Cheers

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