Kombucha Tea Recipe. What are the best teas to use.

Homebrew Kombucha
In this video I’m going to talk about the best tea to use to making kombucha.
The most popular tea’s are green and black. You can also these together. Also popular are white, oolong, hibiscus and pu’erh – which is fermented black tea.
Tips for trying unique or unordinary teas
1. Make sure you have other SCOBY’s and starter tea as back up
2. These other ‘teas’ might not take as long to ferment so you might want to start tasting your brew after 3-5 days
3. If the tea has tannins it will properly feed the SCOBY, so look it up first. If it doesn’t have the tannins but you don’t want to risk ruining your SCOBY, even though you have a back up, because that I was my first suggestion, add a few bags of green or black tea.
Not as popular but still common are:
• Nettle
• Red Raspberry Leaf
• Chaga – which is a mushroom tea
• Rooibos
• Elderflower
• Elderberry
• Coffee known as Koffucha. Here is a link to a video. It’s my new favorite right now.

• St. Dalfour
• Republic of Tea
• Also have used Stash
• Some I didn’t like 1 was Lipton apple something
• Chai tea
Interesting to note the St. Dalfour kombucha didn’t grow a nice SCOBY- threw in the trash was thing and translucent Republic of Tea booch grew beautiful healthy amazing opaque SCOBY’s. But St. Dalfour is my absolute all-time favorite. Haven’t had it in a few years.
Other things I’ve read or heard people using for kombucha is
• Coconut water- more susceptible to get mold
• Pineapple juice
These are more susceptible to get mold. You might be better of adding them to your F2. But I encourage you to experiment. Just keep a close eye on your brews for mold.
Also, if you’re brewing with an herb or tea that doesn’t have tannins you can add a few tea bags of green or black to encourage SCOBY

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