How to make kombucha without a scoby

Homebrew Kombucha
* I give a few extra tips at the end so make sure your volume is up towards the end of the video if your turn it of from the music. I also explain how to make kombucha vinegar.

When I want to make a new batch of kombucha without needing to buy a scoby I use a bottle of plain kombucha. This works every time! I do like to check to see how big the culture is on the bottom of the bottle, and I will choose one with a bit more culture in it. Just heat up a gallon of water to a boil and add in a cup of sugar. Brew your tea in the water then let it cool to between room temperature and 100 F. Add it to a jar with your bottle of kombucha and cover with a tea towel. Let sit for 5 to 10 days or until a new scoby is formed.

Previous video: how to make milk kefir

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