How To Brew Kombucha At Home: 1st Ferment

Homebrew Kombucha
Howdy Muffins!!
I hope this video was helpful! I will add any questions and my answers to them below for easy reference.

My Method for TWO gallons of kombucha tea

ALWAYS wash your hands before handling your scoby. Make sure all your utensils and brewing vessels are clean before you start.

1. Boil about half a gallon of water.
2. Open 15-16 tea bags, gather, trim ends, tie together. If doing one gallon, use 8-10 tea bags.
3. Melt two cups of sugar in boiling water. Use one cup if making one gallon.
4. Steep tea bags in hot sugar water until almost cool.
5. Remove tea bags and fill other half of jar with cold tap water.
6. Let the tea completely cool. Hot water will kill your scabby.
7. Once tea is cool, pour your sweet tea into you brewing vessel. If using a continuous brew method ( a vessel with a spout) just pour your fresh tea on top of your scoby and reserved kombucha from your last brew. Top off with cold water. Put cheese cloth and band on top.

If you are just brewing in a jar, fill almost full with your sweet tea, add your starter liquid kombucha and set your scoby on top. Cover with cheese cloth and band.
8. Place your brew in a warm spot in your house. On top of the fridge is a good option. Do not put brew in sunlight, or near air vents. Warmish, darkish, and not easily disturbed is best 🙂
9. Leave your brew to ferment for 7 days.
10. Taste your brew along the way and see how the flavor changes!

Here is some helpful stuff.

Things you need-
one gallon glass jar or Glass drink dispenser
Cheese cloth
1 cup of Kombucha. Store bought unflavored is fine if you don’t have a homemade version yet.
Black Tea bags


1 Gallon jar


Get them in a bundle-

Glass Bottles for second ferment-

Helpful Videos

Kombucha info-

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