How to make Kombucha

Homebrew Kombucha
This video is about how to make kombucha. It can be a HUGE subject and quite frankly it confused me for the longest time. Then I found out it was REALLY EASY. This is my simple no frills way. Below are links with more science bits if you’re that way inclined.

Kombucha Health Benefits Backed by Science

The recipe below is for 4 litres.
7 tea bags (you can use black or green tea)
320g sugar
4 litres of water (FILTERED UN CHLORINATED is important)
around a cup of the last brew

Pour off last brew and bottle it leaving a cup or so in the bottle/jar
Boil up 4 ltrs water
7 tea bags in a pot, add boiled water and brew for 15 mins
Discard tea bags
Add 320g sugar. Stir to dissolve
When it reaches body temperature add to the 400 ml (or there abouts) of last batch and pop the scoby back on top with clean hands.
Cover with a cotton or muslin and tie a band around. Stops fruit flies getting in.
Leave in a warm place out of direct sunlight until it reaches required fizziness and yumminess. Anywhere between 4 and 10 days. Just take small amounts off and test occasionally.

You can usually get a scoby from a friend, or you can ask on facebook who’s got one. Failing that places like trademe, ebay sell them. Amazing and true people.

Leave a comment below and let me know how you go. I’d love to hear from you.

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Music by Macombee & The Absolute Truth – album here

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