Health Nuts – How to Brew Kombucha

Homebrew Kombucha
Episode 3
With the recent bogus government crackdown on that fizzy, faux-soda favorite of all the hot yoga milfs out there (aka Kombucha) and subsequent clearing from shelves across the nation, we figured it was time to show how to brew your own Kombucha. Now you don’t have to wait until it comes back to Whole Foods to enjoy this highly expensive and beneficial fermented tea! You will not only save a ton of $$ but you might gain a little popularity with cute yoginis who are trying to mooch some bottles from you…

If you would like more help or have any questions, feel free to contact Neil. He’s been doing this for a while and has it down to a science…


2 gallons of filtered water
2 1/2 cups sugar (1 1/4 cups per gallon)
2 #4 loose leaf tea bags (or 10 normal tea bags) of black, white or green tea
1 kombucha mushroom (SCOBY)
2 cups starter tea (1c. per gallon)
2 cups 100% juice or puree (for flavoring)

If you are looking for a SCOBY, start looking on CraigsList for someone near you who might be selling one. There are also other resources online. Once you have your own, it will grow in layers. You can split it in half and double your brew, give part to a friend, or sell it yourself online.


Your brew is ready when it becomes slightly acidic. If you don’t have an electric pH tester, you can use pH test strips (found online or at your local beer brewing shop).

If you don’t use a heating pad, fermentation process can take up to 2+ weeks.

Make sure you use the proper amount of sugar when preparing your sweet tea. The sugar feeds the SCOBY which converts it into all the beneficial properties that Kombucha has.

Don’t use flavored teas. The oils in the tea are bad. Only add flavoring after tea has fermented. And use only 100% juice or puree. It’s the good stuff!

ALWAYS save the proper amount of starter tea for your next batch!

Sanitize everything. Wash your hands, bottles, and all materials. Make sure to clean out your fermentation vessel after every brew. Continuous brewing can cause mold and other problems.

Avoid using metal around the SCOBY. Stick with wooden spoons and glass containers.


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